We worked with Lisa after she reached out to us wanting to build a video library of sewing techniques. Lisa is a sustainable sewist who provides a full range of clothing repair and mending services to keep clothes out of landfills and keep family heirlooms in circulation. She wanted to make sure her videos where easy to follow and to the point. We started by creating ‘Hand Sewing For Your Closet’ - a beginner friendly video package made up of 18 videos that covers basic sewing and mending techniques. Each video covers a specific technique, has chapters, and captions.

Website Service

During our discovery meeting - Lisa let us know that she wasn’t happy with her current website hosting service and was looking to move to Squarespace before she started the video library project. Ideally - the website could host the video library and other future projects.

Having had experience with Squarespace - we offered our services and were able to build and transition her website over to Squarespace in less than a week.

Once we moved the website design & SEO to Squarespace - we got to work building a page that will host and inform clients about Top Stitch TV. We designed and built this new page on her site following her brand identity and adding functional creative design.

Using Squarespace’s Member Area service, Lisa is able to sell Hand Sewing For Your Closet directly from her website. Once customers have purchased the course, they can log into their account on her website and view the courses at their own pace.

Graphic Design Service

While creating the video library, we discovered that at the time, Top Stitch did not have any branding that would work with the videos’ intro sequence. We resolved this by creating a custom version of Top Stitch Mending’s logo - rounding the Top Stitch above the graphic logo, we where able to add the video’s name underneath while maintaining branding standards and creating a pleasing aesthetic. Once presented to Lisa, she was pleasantly surprised due to being told in the past by other designers that her logo does not work rounded.

Midway through our project, Lisa wanted to create a physical gift certificate to sell to customers. They can use these to buy in person classes, or buy the online courses on her website. The design is simple, on brand, and useful. Check it out below.



